Blaze the Cat

“My curse... My flames... My duty... and honour!”

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Blaze was once a very closed-off and reserved person, but meeting Sonic and his friends taught her how to open up trust people. Although she used to think of her Pyrokinesis as a 'curse', Blaze has become a very adept user, now recognising it as a 'gift'. As Princess of the Sol Dimension, her main duty to guard the Sol Emeralds, but she is also responsible for leading her people.


Blaze's fighting style consists of graceful and delicate movements, similar to ballet, which she uses to strike hard and precise blows on her opponents. Her natural fighting capabilities are amplified by her powers, and she is able to combine the two in dynamic ways to perform powerful, explosive techniques.

  • Fire Boost – Enveloping herself in flames, Blaze can turn herself into a living projectile and increase her running speed.

  • Fire Claw – Blaze's equivalent of the Homing Attack.

  • Axel Tornado – Blaze launches herself higher into the air by causing a burst of flames at her feet.

  • Jump Step – Blaze propels herself forward in midair by releasing a burst of flames behind her, allowing her to cover great distances.

  • Burst Dash – Blaze's equivalent of the Spindash.

  • Supernova – Blaze's ultimate technique. After building up large amounts of flame energy, Blaze discharges it all at once in a wide-radius explosion that can vaporise anything caught inside.


By using the power of the Sol Emeralds, Blaze can transform into her Super State – Burning Blaze! In this form, her pyrokinetic abilities are greatly enhanced, as well as her speed, strength and durability. In addition, she gains the ability to perform an Ultranova – an empowered version of her Supernova technique.


Currently, Blaze is 19 years old. She has experienced a lot since the events of Sonic Rush (where she was 14), and this is reflected both in her personality and combat. Her appearance is largely the same, apart from being slightly taller. Although she retains her calm and mature attitude, spending time with others has allowed her to be slightly more relaxed around them.

Blaze resides in the Royal Palace on Central Island – the largest and most advanced island in her dimension. When she's not tending to her royal duties, she is either travelling or training. Her fascination on how similar - yet different her world is from Sonic's is the driving force behind her numerous journeys to various places in Sonic's world.

Stepping into the multiverse has made for some bizarre encounters with alternate versions of herself and her friends, or with people she's never even seen before! Each world is a new venture for Blaze, and she is constantly discovering new things with each journey.

Over the years, her connection to the Sol Emeralds has only strengthened, allowing her to transform without having them on her, however the lack of a source of Sol Energy means that she cannot maintain it for long periods. She has also learned how to utilise Sol Control – her emerald's variant of Chaos Control. What she can do depends on how many emeralds she uses, and this can range from temporarily slowing down time to warping across large distances/creating dimensional rifts.


  • Blaze has a younger sibling– Arisia. She is innocent and curious, but sometimes stubborn, which is why Blaze is very protective of her. Arisia possesses Cryokinesis, but has yet to fully master it. Looking up to her sister, she hopes to be just as strong as her one day, and accompany her on adventures too.

  • At a young age, Blaze's parents left for 'royal duties' and never returned. Being forced to take on their roles, she was guided by royal advisers until she was old enough to run the kingdom by herself. Wanting Arisia to live a free childhood, she made sure to keep her out of all royal affairs. Although most believe their parents to be dead, she still has hope that they are out there somewhere, which is why she refuses to assume the title of 'Queen Blaze'.

  • It is customary that all members of the royal family are experienced with the usage of swords. As such, Blaze aquired the 'Blademaiden' title, reserved for only the most elite of female fighters. The Laevatein sword was once used by her ancestor, and has since been passed down the line until it reached her father. It was his last gift to her.

  • The red hairtie she wears was her mother's.

  • Outside of combat, Blaze has many other skills that she sometimes practices. She is an excellent swimmer, an elegant dancer and a graceful gymnast. Although she often practices alone, she does wish that she could do so with others.

  • Although she still retains her fear of heights, she has gotten better at dealing with it. She is able to perform aerial tricks and such without a problem, but looking down from high places will still make her feel a little uneasy.